By William Perry Gift credit cards are excellent things to buy for somebody you love, particularly if you don't know exactly what they want, as is often the case. Why risk buying something they won't like? With a gift card, you can simply give them a predetermined amount, and they could spend the money however they want. Imagine all the returns that would be eliminated if everybody started using these over the holidays? Typically, these are much easier to deal with than a paper certificate, and you can get them with either a predetermined amount, or a flex card, which can actually be refilled once the amount has been used up. Another benefit of gift credit cards is that they are very simply to utilize, because as soon as you take one out, they are immediately activated, and the person you are giving them to can start using them immediately upon receiving it, until they reach the spending limit. So where can you find gift cards from? Just about anywhere you like. You can get the...
My Picks for Cards for Any Credit Situation